
Bow Wow Turns 21..........................For Fake?

So let's all congratulate Bow Wow for celebrating is 21st!.................. Wait, I'm not even a fan of his but I know this negro doesn't turn 21 until next year! Like, why in the hell would an Atlanta club allow him to drink in addition to allowing the photographer to snap pictures of this mess??? Like, duh! And he's just tossing it back. First some Goose, then some Veuve (Yellow Label)Champagne (When I Googled it, it was only $39.99 a bottle). Like really, where was his mother?

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Big Boi adds $50,000... Keyshia???

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Big Boi got some Nike So Cal 1's. But the difference between his and yours are that his are worth $50,000. He's not rocking the Austrian Swarvoski crystals(look up the correct pronounciation PLEASE) he's rocking 11 carats Chocolate CHAMPAGNE diamonds!? It gets no better. The Laced Up owner, Ernel Dawkins said, "When it came time to consider which celebrity to honor with this shoe, we thought it would be perfect to go with Atlanta's top sneaker head, Antwan "Big Boi" Patton. To us he represents style and affluent flavor." I agree. But what I do know is that, he better not wear them. Or if he does, he needs to rock them for a photo shoot, take them off, and bag them up in a LOCK BOX, you know how people like to steal now-a-days, and bounce.

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Okay, can someone please get their cousin! If her stylist wasn't so busy rying to fight Neffe, I think that's who it is on the upcoming episode, then maybe Miss Cole could look half way decent. This just looks a mess to me. Both shows, both hairstyles, both outfits, both Keyshia's! Like really. And that dag Manny needs to quit trying to be daddy, big brother, and boyfriend! That's why Keyshia can't keep a man now! But, I digress...

Just enjoy the mess♥

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Serena & Common... Where's Jackie?

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So Serena Williams and Jackie Long, of ATL have been dating for a couple of years now and some recent photos were brought to light of Serena and Common walking the streets of London last week. According to a paper in London, they weren't trying to hide nothing! Like why in the heck would Serena think she could hide an affair being that she is Serena Williams? Seriously, that was a bad choice on her part. And coming from a family as big as hers, I know one of her sister's could of let her know! But, its just sad because sources have been saying that Jackie Long had to call his "friend" Trey Songz(of all people) for advice. Like seriously, he would of done better calling Common.... BUT I'M JUST SAYING....

Like could you imagine finding out that your relationship is over by some pictures?

RIP to Serena & Jackie's break-up

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I need to call Jackie's people and tell them to tell him to call me! J/k


Kelly Rowland Falls....AGAIN

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So I am very sorry for Kelly Rowland! Like she was a memeber of a group whose sales set records. She stood as a founding member of Destiny's Child. And her solo career is doing nothing but declining at a slow YET steady pace! Kelly Rowland almost broke down on stage in Philadelphia after hearing her tickets were sold for SEVENTY FIVE CENTS in Atlanta because they were not selling! SEVENTY FIVE CENTS!? That's just sad. Hopefully she can find success elsewhere!

Dr. Donda West's Funeral

So Dr. Donda West was laid to rest in Oklahoma City at the True Vine Ministry Church on Tuesday. John Legend and Anita Baker performed. Baker sang Summertime Dr. West favorite song. Kanye broke down in the middle of his words about his mother. He said that he wanted her not to rest in peace but to rest in paradise! Two horse drawn carriages carried her remains to the cemetary after the services.

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Alicia Keys Performs and Sean Kingston?

Alicia Keys performed on Hollywood Blvd last week. She did No One and her new song Go Ahead. She's great. Oh and check out her frames from her Entertainment Weekly spread. THE HOTNESS!

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And it was bad enough when I saw Sean Kingston on The Hills but when I saw this mess! Who told him it was going to be a good look if he got a Crayong box necklace? Like really.

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Happy Birthday DJ Khaled

So I'm still in love with DJ Khaled's I'm So Hood. I love every song that Miami has been putting out, probably due to my dedication to Trina, as an artist, but I digress. DJ Khaled celebrated his birthday at Mansion in Miami last week. Trina did look rough however, she can do that. lol. Rick Ross needed to put his shades back on and I'm still waiting on his next album! T-Pain came out to celebrate and ......... is that BUCKEEY!? Where's she been? Aaah well, I hadn't missed her that much after her backstabbing role in Fab's video? Random, I know.

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