
The Green Initiative

The Green Initiative. If you see green bracelets on celebrities arms now, its because they are supporting Africa. Russell Simmons has started what he calls the Green Initiative that he announced December 2006. 25% of the proceeds will go towards the Diamond Empowerment Fund, which helps support institutions in South Africa and Botswana. I think this is a good deed solely because Botswana has if not the highest, one of the higest rates of HIV. Check an earlier note I did on Botswana and AIDS on World AIDS Day, Dec.1. Simmons Jewelry Co. is the design genius behind the collection. An affair was hosted for the launch of the G.I. (Green Initiative). Eva looked nice. Serena looked nice, and also Sanaa! GORGEOUS! Gotta love a girl who can snatch Denzel! HAHA. J/K.

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