
The Race IS On

Okay so I told you that I was going to find out some information on Barak Obama. I first went to his Congress based website to find out about the issues and his stands. And he stands for Iraq, Defense, Seniors, Crime, Environment, Homeland Security, Immigration, Education, Health Care, Veterans, and Ethics and Lobbying Form. I think this list and small descriptions were just basic for all senators.

So I went to Wikipedia. He is the fifth African American U.S. senator and currently the only African American in the senate right now. He is said to be the second choice for the democratic choice for president 2008 after Hilary R. Clinton. Obama was first elected into the Illinois State Senate in 1996 from Chicago’s 13th District in the south-side. Seven years later in 2003, he was named chairman of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee after the Democrats regained control of the chamber. He also helped to author an Illinois Earned Income Tax Credit that aided lower income families, worked for legislation that would support residents who could not afford health insurance, AND he helped pass bills to increase funding for AIDS prevention and care programs.

However, in 2000, Barak lost his primary run for the U.S. House of Representatives seat to a former black panther and community activist, four-term incumbent Bobby Rush. Rush stated that “Obama had not been around the first congressional district long enough to really see what’s going on.��?

Obama did not cease his efforts to make a change just because he lost an election. He went back to the Senate and authored a law requiring police to videotape interrogations for crimes that were likely to be punishable by the death penalty. He also supported legislation that required insurance companies to cover mammograms. In 2002, he ran unopposed. Why? Maybe the city of Chicago was content with the way he was running things.

One thing people have often said about Obama is that he can work with both Democrats and Republicans with no stresses. He builds coalitions. He has crossed over into the hip hop world fast and hard. People know the name but do you know the real Obama and how he got where he is. Why everyone knows his name? What he stands for?

Who is in support of Obama? Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), Illinois State Comptroller Daniel Hynes, Oprah Winfrey, and actors George Clooney, Kristin Chenoweth, and Matt Damon. There are numerous hip hop heads that also are for Obama. But why? Do they know his background. I am all for Obama because of his prior stands. But honestly, will he be able to run a whole country?

I think he is getting a lot of experience now because he is focusing on the bigger topics in the country. He is trying to show his face in all communities. He’s going to Iowa, showing up at meetings with Luda, and appearing on Oprah. If that is not a braod spectrum then I don’t know what is. With those three stops, he’s almost hit everyone. Again like I say…TEAM OBAMA!!!

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