
Lost Ones...

Didn't plan on making a new entry today but I found some more stuff. But first, let me address one of the comments made on my last entry. When I stated the stuff about Jay Z's new song I said it was supposedly about Beyonce. But it says at 23. So he probably has been working on his cd for a while now. He didn't just come up with the idea. Re-read the statement. This is just entertainment. If you don't like it, don't read it. But don't try and check me. And, I enjoy writing. And I enjoy to entertain so, that's what I do. Wendy Williams gets dogged everyday. Miss Jones gets dogged every HOUR but those are the two hottest bitches in the game. So, if it takes some doubt or some dis-approvals than so be it. Because in the words of my Atlanta-bred room mate,I'm gone do me regardless.

Here are the lyrics to the second verse. I'm still looking for the complete lyrics and a link to the song for those who don't want to download it...

I don't think it's meant to be,
For she loves her work more than she does me
And honestly at 23 I would probably
Love my work more than I did she
So we ain't we
It's me and her cuz what she prefers over me is work
And that's where we differ
So I have to give her free time
Even if it hurts
So breath mami [its the serve]
you've been put on this earth to be all you can be like the reserves
And me, my timing is all me [to serve]
So I have to allow she the time now [to serve]
The time's now for her
At time she'll mature
And maybe we can be
Again like we were
Finally my time's too short to share
And if I ask her now it ain't fair, so yeah!


Anonymous said...

I love that song! Miss Marisa keep doing ya thang gurl im lovin the articles! Oh yea B is tearing u that popcorn! :)

Miss Morris said...

Thanks RachelJanel! Keep commenting!