
New York's Latest MESS

Enjoy New York. Well check out her pics from her newest article in Blender magazine. And here are some questions from her interview!

Are you a genius?
Yes, because I have a third eye and I can see the future.

What’s in your future, New York?
My third eye says I am going to meet my soulmate in four years. He is coming from a warm climate. He is taller than me, nice build. He has large feet. And he’s going to make me very happy.

How would you characterize your taste in sex?
I like it very passionate, very deep. I like it rough. When I’m having sex, I don’t want to mistake it for anything other than sex, so you can slap me around, baby.

When was your last booty call?
The night before last. I got pleasured. I got served. That’s the only way I do it. I am always in control of the intimacy, so I make the call. And he got his ass over there quick.

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