
Toccarra's B-Day Bash

Toccarra the diva...wanna-be had a birthay party at PM Nightclub last night in NYC. Now, I don't talk about anyone's mother but I will talk about what she was wearing. Now let me say this, I know I'm not Beyonce. I don't rock D&G YET!, and I don't have all the money in the world. But my mother has always taught me, no matter your status when you go out, you look good. And unfortunately, her mother was not given that memo. She is not wearing a bra, her make-up... Okay, to the birthday girl. I think its time to hang up your Leopard. Especially the whole dress! Shoes, of course, wear Leopard. But Toccarra WAS the birthday girl. That means it was her time to upstage hoes. If you can't tell, I'm not to fond of her. So next story.

Other guest in attendance, Bey, Rich Boy, Musiq, and that doctor from Celebrity Fit Club

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