
Kelly Rowland's New Single

Kelly Rowland's newest song is out. It's called Work featuring Fat Joe! Enjoy. More live instruments. I like it but it seems more sexual than anything... I don't know... I think Kelly is growing up!

Ralphige The Prankster

He's been in the Miami New Times, SOHH.com, the LA Times, he's pranked Michael Jackson, He's been on MTV, Flavor Flav, Rev Run and Pharrell Williams have been Ralphigized, Jay Z, Busta Rhymes, you name it, he's probably done it! Who you may ask? Ralphige. I just found out about him today and I'm in love. He was once even arrested for making these calls according to MTV. Check out his website

The following is of Remy Ma accidentally leaving a voicemail on his phone.CLICK HERE Saying some very SEXUAL things! Straight up Remy? So not a good look. No really! You should be ashamed.WOOOOOOOW!

T-Pain? I was SO Shocked!

Following information obtained from SOHH.com

Five Women He Would Not Have Strip For Him
Oprah- doesn’t like hearing mouth during sex
Pamela Anderson- Too much blonde hair?
Buffie the Body- He doesn’t like Hollywood bitches?
Alicia Keys- A lot of hair and a lot of bones
Kim Kardashian- Because not too many can go after Ray J.

He went on to say, Ray J has length. But T Pain said he has the width. he said Ray j has like a foot on him and not too many can hit Kim after Ray J? I’m confused. But hey, maybe its just me.

Five Ladies He would Have Strip For Him
Shawnna-So he could get him so head
Lindsay Lohan-She’s a bad girl
Courtney Love-She’s a white girl that smokes cigarettes
Melyssa Ford-He likes short girls
The Old Britney- She has sparkly pants!?

The interview

Kim and Reggie BUSH!?

Kim, find a white guy to put up with your ho like tendencies! Like for real. First it was Ray J. That’s okay, he’s a lame. But now Reggie Bush! And she’s kissing this man!? Damn! We haven’t even seen him kiss a black girl yet. She must be sucking his…bank account! LMAO. No really, what is the deal with Kim Kardashian? Like really, what does she have? But anyhow, TMZ caught them lip locking at TAO nightclub in LA this weekend!

Aretha Getting Fit To Get Married

Aretha Franklin and long time boyfriend Willie Wilkerson are finally going to tie the knot next month. She was spotted in NYC with him. When asked why she was there she said, “I’m getting fitted for a gown.”

According to Starpulse.com she has signed up with Jenny Craig to loose weight for her wedding. I’m at 1,750 calories a day and I’m starving. You just have to get used to portions and changing your lifestyle. No offense Ms. Franklin but portions? Clearly she is saying she never cared. And I wouldn’t either. Money and a man! And you’re famous. Her weight hasn’t stopped her so why stop eating? But those pictures are going to be all over the world so I think she wants to change.

She told Sister 2 Sister magazine that she had lost 23 or 24 pounds to begin with and it was a strain which is why she got off of it. Then she went on, It's a strain because you're eating the Jenny Craig-type meals, which are very good. But you can only eat them for so long before you want some barbecue ribs or some pigs feet. Once you get off that Jenny Craig thing and you start eating what you've been eating, it’s all over.


Kanye West 'Can't Tell Me Nothing'

You definitely can't tell Kanye nothing! The video? Gorgeous! Good job Hype and Kanye! GREAT JOB! And I sooo hear Jeezy's ad-libs! Great!

Good dancing
No overdoing it with the extras
Fly Lambo

If the devil wears prada, Adam and Eve wears nada, I'm in between but way more fresher!


Amy Winehouse Rehab Remix ft. Jay Z

Amy Winehouse. The newest hit to the states. She has a song out called Rehab. Now laced with the best since birth! Jay Z added his voice to the remix. The song is okay. At parts she sounds so much like Lauryn Hill its sort of creepy. My favorite is Hov's sing-a-long with the chorus! HAHA. But no, the last lyric of his verse,I'ma OD 'til I'm in peace like Anna Nicole! Wow. And so I'm addicted, I'm Britney, Whitney, and Bobby. He calls out names. For once Jay is not subliminal but this time he's directing it to non-rappers... and even...dare I say it...THE DEAD!

Other blog sites that I've seen said that Jay's lyrics weren't sharp, or the lyrics were okay... you be the judge!

Jay's Verse
More money more checks
I'm addicted to fresh
Six pair of kicks is my definition of twelve steps
Kick back in the back, get the Phantom to drop
Bass baring outta my system that's how I detox
But when will he stop
We still popping that real ???
My flow so dumb my face is numb I don't feel ???
Where's the therapist, yeah I'm outta control
They try to make me go to rehab I won't go no

And so I'm addicted I'm Britney, Whitney, and Bobby
Betty Ford ain't ready for us and nothing can stop me
Oh look he's relapsing just look how he's rappin
Everytime I try to get out it pulls me back in
Amy should of Rehabed me, said she doubled this ration
Can you blame me for being a _____ straight to my passion
My heron flow's more lethal than Marilyn's nose
I'm OD til I'm at peace like Anna Nicole HOV!

This is great! Read it,go along with the song. I mean, like, I listened to the song to get these lyrics right. Enjoy. And once you listen and decipher the metaphors you'll agree! Jay is like wine... finer and better with time!

The Color Purple Being Sued

According to TMZ, Miss Oprah is getting what she deserves!!! Shawnique Hill, a former stylist and dresser for the stageplay The Color Purple is suing the show. She filed a lawsuit in a Manhatan federal court. So this is bigger than $5,000. This is not a small claims court case! Hill stated during her time at the show, she gave her opinions, to her boss, on the fact that working with a African American cast, the backstage crew was all Caucasian except for three people of color. TMZ went on to say that another supervisor, Caucasian, often addressed her as sister and girlfriend . Words that normally offend any African American when said by a Caucasian. The retaliation for speaking your mind? Being fired!? She also says she was harrased, probably verbally but still. Oprah was not individually named in the suit but in the end, the money is coming from her.

Shawnique's opinions make sense. Why give Caucasian people the opportunity to THINK they are apart of us by being in on a story that has been told time and time again by our people!


Black Eyed Peas New Pepsi Commercial

The Black Eyed Peas are the new face of Pepsi! The commercial is cute and quiet. I guess its clear no extras were paid to speak. Only...Jump! After you watch the commercial you'll get that last sentence. I like the commercial. But only thing is, let's see how long they keep their endorsement before Pepsi snatches it if the Black Eyed Peas begin to speak their minds!

Beyonce The Drag Queen?

Well according to Bey, she gets a lot of her mannerisms from drag performances!!! According to me-me-me.tv, she was asked if she sees herself as a gay icon. Bey responded, I definitely hope so! I get a lot of my influences, a lot of my lingo, a lot of my mannerisms from watching the drag balls. It's so over-the-top. Bey went on to say, And I'm a frustrated drag queen! Absolutely! The more hair and the more lashes the better! To me that's weird. I never saw Bey as drag. I never thought! But anyways, whatever works.

Is Bey listening to beats for a new cd!? HAHA

Jay's doing business on vacation!


roCksTar crEatOrs

Click here for other topics in the issue

So Lil Wayne is on the cover of the July/August issue of XXL's Scratch. I'm more interested in what's on the inside rather than the cover. Mannie Fresh is back and he talks about his new Def Jam deal and being back in the studio with his Cash Money Crew: Wayne, BG, and Juvenille! That should be good! And the producers the Shop Boyz! They are the master minds behind some of 2007's hottest! “Party Like A Rockstar,” Plies & T-Pain’s “Shawty,” Yung Joc’s “Coffee Shop,” Huey’s “Pop, lock & Drop It”! I'm interested!

I was so intersted I went on their Myspace page Shop Boyz Myspace Page and fell into deeper love! Yes, everyone is on Myspace! So, they knew their sound could be accepted or it could be kicked out! But after working in a garage, nothings worse. Only four months after recording Rockstar, these cats are big! There schedule on their page is full until July 21st with a date in Fayetteville, NC! This is success. They stayed focused. Hustled, worked,

A quote I took from their page The electrifying song with its contagious hook appeals to the spirited, carefree rocker in all of us – from school children and working class dads to hard-core hip-hoppers and blue-haired, Mohawk-wearing Punk Rockers.

Oh so true! Everyone knows and loves this song! I give them nothing but praises! Fat, Sheed, and Meany much success!

Tevin.... Campbell?

Sooo Tevin's on crack? He's got to be! When hanging out with the likings of K-Ci and Al B Sure? The picture has been floating around for about a month now. I didn't want to air him out like that but I found a come back. Tevin was in New York City this week outside the Neil Simon Theater spotted signing autographs. He's on broadway in the play Hairspray. Good luck Tevin!

But no really look at this picture of Kim Porter's baby's daddy, Mary's old flame, and TEVIN CAMPBELL!!! They look bad. Or in Tevin's case, looked! K-Ci needs to go to his momma's house and get himself together.

Look again, please scroll up one more time.

Isaiah Washington... I'M Sorry!!!

Yeah so this mess that we call Hollywood just keeps getting better and better! Isaiah Washington's PSA for the GLAAD organization aired last night on ABC. My thoughts, he was threatened with his job or something! I mean come on, is Don Imus going to do a PSA for UNCF!? DOUBT IT! I'm so through with this mess. And the worst part, Washington may not even come back on next season. What's the point now? Addison is leaving and Burke? I think NOT! We shall see! Enjoy the PSA. I know I didn't.

This is almost like a slap or rather a whip from the masters, oops I mean execs at ABC. A PSA!? Come on. They could have gotten anyone to see it! Don't hold your breath for Don Imus or Michael Richards PSA for UNCF, NAACP,or better yet Barak Obama's campaign! HAHA!!!!

106 & Park Got New Hosts!?

SIKE! I know some of you were probably like finally but no, they are still the same ol' Terrence J and Rocsi. But yesterday there were guests host TIP & Meagan WANNABE Good. Oops, I didn't mean to say that....*Slowly looks away*... Anyhow, I guess this might be BET's gift to the two since I doubt they will be taking home any BET awards. Honestly. TIP's album is not out yet, he might do a performance but if he wins anything, I'll be surprised. And Meagan? Nominated for what? Best ASS? And not literally either.

Needless to say, they looked nice. Except for Meagan's shoes. I don't think they were hot. My outlook, the higher, the better!

Auction At Cinema Against AIDS 2007

Wednesday night in Cannes, France, there was an Auction At Cinema Against AIDS 2007. So, how about everyone looked fabulous! But my only beef is, still current, why were there only two black people there? Like seriously! I know that it was in France but, we can go to St.Tropez for anything! But normally anything with the word AIDS in it now a days will get black celebs to throw money at it! Especially BET! I guess there will be no Black Carpet interview with the stars from Miss. Danella! Hmph! But anyway, THOSE that were there looked absolutely gorgeous!

Kerry Washington straight killed it. She was so giving me what I needed!

And Naomi was there as well. But my main focus is Eva Mendes! This child had more Botox ejections than......................................aw hell, she just looked bad!

Below are pics of the party. And yes, that is Rosario Dawson at the bottom looking absolutely FAB!

Eve Tambourine Video Debuted!

So Eve's video premiered last night on BET! How about it? It looks like a more colorful and vibrant Get Me Bodied from Bey's Anthropology which she is hopefully going to get back on the shelves! Anywho, Eve looks good and she finally covered up those God AWFUL paw prints! Did I mention she looks fly!? Well, the paw prints make aguest appearance but not through the whole thing! I wouldn't be surprised if I saw some of these dresses with lower quality material at a ummmm Chinese owned and manufactured store where the clothes are made for the Asian body but our sisters continue to shop there thinking they are getting fat.



New Music Review

Check Out B's Newest song, If, I like it! But I'm a die hard Bey fan. No better yet, I love it, a lot.
Its very mellow and it works.

How about Chrisette Michele's newest songs? This link should take you to her Myspace page. My favorite is Like A Dream! The song is so melodic. Like you can just play it and let it play. When I listen to it, I am normally writing and when it stops I simply press play again. You don't notice its there but you notice when its gone! The girl is good! A good look for Def Jam! No really, A GOOD LOOK! She's got my vote for BEST NEW ARTIST

My favorite sixteen year old could and would be none other than the second semester anthem SHOOT OUT! Soulja Boy is back with another club banger! There's a dance to go along with this. I embedded it below. Enjoy! This single is called Crank DatI love it! It'll be a club banger with two guys in the middle trying to do the dance after watching it on Myspace!

I Hope You Enjoy These Tunes Just As Much As I...

Cannes De Grisogono Party

Kimora and her new beau, Djimon Hiunsou! Check them out all hugged up at the Cannes De Grisogono Party.

And our favorite IT girl performed looking okay? Maybe this was from the upscale version of HOD? I just don't really like the outfit. Sorry K.

Also there hamming it up with KLS were Naomi and Quincy. I think that white chick is Q's lady but, I don't know... Hmmmm?


I'm sure you heard by now that Diddy has a new season of Making the Band coming up? Yeah well, this time its with guys. And I guess his manhood is coming out. So Laurie Ann Gibson. Remember her? She got her fame thanks to Diddy as the choreographer for Making the Band? Yeah well she's back again but according to her, Diddy tried to kill her! Laurie Ann says during one of a taped segments, Diddy attempted to throw a chair at her. Michael Bivins, whose on the show this season, was holding her! Come on now! Why would a man hold her so that someone else could hit her? On NATIONAL TELEVISION!? Well, we'll see how this one plays out in court because she definitely filed a complaint with the NYPD!


So Diamond of Crime Mob has to live up to the group's club anthem, I'll Beat You Ass She was arrested May 20th, her birthday, on aggravated assualt charges that came from a stabbing on their tour bus on May 15th. An altercation took place between Diamond and some girl on the bus were arguing, sad to say, over a man! Supposedly, Diamond's FRIEND cut the girl in the face. The weapon, not yet known. Diamond left before the police came. No search was performed of the bus. Diamond is screaming MISTAKEN IDENTITY! And it is good to be a celeb! She was released on $20,000 bond early Tuesday morning.