
New Music Review

Check Out B's Newest song, If, I like it! But I'm a die hard Bey fan. No better yet, I love it, a lot.
Its very mellow and it works.

How about Chrisette Michele's newest songs? This link should take you to her Myspace page. My favorite is Like A Dream! The song is so melodic. Like you can just play it and let it play. When I listen to it, I am normally writing and when it stops I simply press play again. You don't notice its there but you notice when its gone! The girl is good! A good look for Def Jam! No really, A GOOD LOOK! She's got my vote for BEST NEW ARTIST

My favorite sixteen year old could and would be none other than the second semester anthem SHOOT OUT! Soulja Boy is back with another club banger! There's a dance to go along with this. I embedded it below. Enjoy! This single is called Crank DatI love it! It'll be a club banger with two guys in the middle trying to do the dance after watching it on Myspace!

I Hope You Enjoy These Tunes Just As Much As I...

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