
The Color Purple Being Sued

According to TMZ, Miss Oprah is getting what she deserves!!! Shawnique Hill, a former stylist and dresser for the stageplay The Color Purple is suing the show. She filed a lawsuit in a Manhatan federal court. So this is bigger than $5,000. This is not a small claims court case! Hill stated during her time at the show, she gave her opinions, to her boss, on the fact that working with a African American cast, the backstage crew was all Caucasian except for three people of color. TMZ went on to say that another supervisor, Caucasian, often addressed her as sister and girlfriend . Words that normally offend any African American when said by a Caucasian. The retaliation for speaking your mind? Being fired!? She also says she was harrased, probably verbally but still. Oprah was not individually named in the suit but in the end, the money is coming from her.

Shawnique's opinions make sense. Why give Caucasian people the opportunity to THINK they are apart of us by being in on a story that has been told time and time again by our people!


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