
Isaiah Washington... I'M Sorry!!!

Yeah so this mess that we call Hollywood just keeps getting better and better! Isaiah Washington's PSA for the GLAAD organization aired last night on ABC. My thoughts, he was threatened with his job or something! I mean come on, is Don Imus going to do a PSA for UNCF!? DOUBT IT! I'm so through with this mess. And the worst part, Washington may not even come back on next season. What's the point now? Addison is leaving and Burke? I think NOT! We shall see! Enjoy the PSA. I know I didn't.

This is almost like a slap or rather a whip from the masters, oops I mean execs at ABC. A PSA!? Come on. They could have gotten anyone to see it! Don't hold your breath for Don Imus or Michael Richards PSA for UNCF, NAACP,or better yet Barak Obama's campaign! HAHA!!!!

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