
It Needs To Stop...

Okay, first TIP told fans at a concert that he would give them $50,000 if they pointed out who threw a bottle of water at him. So now at one of Akon's concerts, someone does the same thing. So Akon asks the fans to point out the guy. The boy, who looks 15, is brought to the stage. All the while, Akon is derobing himself of his wife beater and medallions. He helps the boy on stage, puts him on his shoulder, and tosses him off onto the ground as if he were at a rock concert and they had MOSH pits. However this wasn't a rock concert and no one was there to catch the poor child. He clearly fell straight through! And Akon simply says, Oh he's alright! No, he should be suing your behind and you need to be fined! How'd he like it if someone threw him off the stage! See, and he practices poligamy! Oh, I'm mad now! I'm mad! And this is just another reason as to why people talk about the hip hop community. When needless to say, he's a newbie!

Do you think this was real?

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